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Friday, November 19, 2010

Dealing with the rivalry of the brothers

Lori Radun published an article on the internet dealing with the rivalry between the sisters.  Here are a few suggestions it provided.  Go to the link and read the rest of his ideas.

... "the most important factor affecting the sibling rivalry is parental attitude." As parents, we know that we must treat our children also and fairly. And most of us probably very much try to do, but inconsistencies will always exist. There may be a child, you get the best reason to your personality. One or more of your kids are probably easier to manage what they tend to be more loving you. Children pick up every bit of inconsistency, and they still do not understand why things are different for each child. Older children have more responsibilities, but more independence.A younger child thinks that it is unfair to go to bed earlier that his brother more âgé.Combien times let us the words, "it's not fair!" or "You love her more than you love me."?

I know that you are waiting for the magic secret eliminate the sibling rivalry in your home. Sorry - there is no secret magic, but here are ten suggestions to minimize the tension between brothers and sisters.

Avoid comparisons of any kind - do your children at any time they can be private conversation. Focus on the gifts in each of your children and capitalize on their differences.

Encourage your children to express their resentment or feelings of colère.Cela does not authorize you to shout or hurt each other.Teach your children to manage their anger constructive, not destructive.Recognize and validate the feelings of your children so that they feel understood.Help each child to see things from the perspective of another child.

Have clear limits on the personal effects and space personnel.rendre one rule that nobody is allowed to use property of another person without autorisation.Enseignez your children to respect other personal space - rooms, their bodies, etc.A child must feel at least some of the things that belong to him.

View the original article here

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