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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Divorce And Children

Divorce in any nation is hurtful on all concerned. The wife, the husband and especially the children. There are statistics that indicate that in some unions, children will actually reduce the number of divorces and sometimes it has no impact on the decision to split the sheets.

  • Frankie currently has four friends, all female, who are in the process, one step or another in getting a divorce. All of these ladies, all in their late 30's are angry, resentful, and worried about what their future may hold and what adjustments they will have to make.
  • Studies show that marriage is the largest cause of divorce. Marriage has ruined many friendships and broken up many happy couples.
  • Frankie is not suggesting that living together and not getting married is desirable and certainly not favored by him or God. The Bible speaks many times about marriage and respect for each partner.
  • Pearl asked Frankie a couple of days ago if her dad still liked her mother even tho' he was leaving home to be with his girlfriend. Pearl, the answer is yes, it is very likely that he does still like your mother, but they have just fallen out of the same type of love that brought you into this world. That was a deep and honest love and the chances are that you are the most precious thing that came out of that union. Your mother and your dad both love you.
  • Frankie recommends that each partner should decide that they ready and prepared to give up the life of a single person and to love their spouse as much as themselves. It has been my experience, he says, that in most successful marriages which last as long as the commitment made on the wedding day, the wife is in charge of humility. She keeps the husband and all of his testosterone in check.
Keep the faith, but not to yourself.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Can The Fair Tax Really Be Fair?

The Fair Tax is Fair or can be fair if it is implemented as it has been devised by the 54 congressional authors of the bill.

My guess is that it will not be implemented at all in it's present form because it takes too much power from the government.

This is a non partisan comment. It does not apply only to Republicans or Democrats. Taxes are the foundation for the bully pulpit of the governments.

Frankie recommends that you read the book by Neal Boortz and Congressman John Linder to get up to date on the taxes you are now paying and how you will be better off and pay only your share. Keep the faith, but not to yourself.