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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dealing with Disrespectful behavior

When your child treats you disrespectfully, how does that make you feel?  Do you want it to continue?  if not, think about making some changes iin how you relate to your child.

First of all, you are the parent and should be the one in  control, not the child.  If your child upsets you, you've given control over to your child.  In order to get it back, place the units of concern on your child by using natural consequences.

For every disrespectful statement coming out of your child's moputh, tell him or her she's just let you know he or she wants to do an extra chore to help you around the house.  Then, give a choice between 2 chores and then give a choice between two times they can do it.  The next time your child wants you to do something for him or her, smile and say, "I would be happy to do that as soon as you......."  This could be

1.  Treat me with respect

2.  Do your chores on time

3.  Whatever else you want your child to do.

Do NOT engage in a conversation or discussion about this; other wise you've just been sucked into the unconscious game I shared with you on 8-09-05.

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Twins of the Week: Juliana and Emma

12 week old identical twins, Juliana Michelle and Emma Pearl.
Photo reprinted with permisison of lprodywus.

Fraternal twins, Juliana Michelle and Emma Pearl, were twelve weeks old in this photo. They are identical twins with two different personalities. Emma loves to make noises with everything she does and Juliana is much quieter. Learn more about them by clicking their picture.

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? Identical Twin Girls Photo Gallery
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10 for '10: Twin Dolls

In 2010, I'll be posting weekly "Ten for '10" features, top 10 lists about twins and multiples. I'm certainly not trying to rush the holiday season, but it's never too early to start thinking about gifts. Dolls have long been a popular toy for children. One reason for their popularity as a plaything is that they provide an opportunity for boys and girls to role play and explore different identities. Here's a list of dolls and character toys that are twins -- perfect for families with multiples, or for anyone with an interest in multiple birth. Top 10 Twin Dolls.

Previous Ten for '10 Features:

??10 (+) Celebrity Moms of Multiples
??10 Worst Things About Being Pregnant with Twins
??10 Ways to Save Money on Twin Stuff
? 10 Activities for Moms of Multiples on Bed Rest
? 10 Halloween Costumes for Twins

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Creeping, Crawling, Scooting, Cruising: Multiples Going Mobile

One of the most challenging parenting periods for me was when my twins became mobile, at about ten months old. I was just getting the hang of things; they were sleeping well, eating fine, and generally happy.

crawling twins
There's no stopping us now!
Photo reprinted with permisison of Carrie Kaplan.

Then all of a sudden, they couldn't be contained. I couldn't turn my back for a minute! They were as fast as lightning and usually headed in opposite directions.

This phase of babyhood introduces a whole new realm of issues for parents of twins and multiples. Here are some tips on how to handle multiples on the move.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

When Your Child Says, "It's not fair!"

You've just asked or told your child to do something he doesn't want to do.  he looks at you with angry eyes and says, "Its not fair!"  Or your daughter wants to do something and you won't let her do it.  She gets huffy and says in a loud voice, "That's not fair!"

How do you respond?  CALMLY.

You do NOT want to get into an argument or discussion defending your position to your child.  After all, you ARE the parent; you have a right to be in charge; especially when you're dealing with young children and those acting like young children.  Children who say this to their parenbts are merely working at manipulating the situation so they get their way.

I suggest looking at your child calmly and quietly saying noithing else except, "I know."  If your child continues to explain why this is upsetting, you continue saying, "I know."  If your child says something that poushes your buttons, you can smile and say, "Honey, I loe you too much to argue."  Then you should walk away.

This is a great Parenting with Love & Logic technique.  If your voice is calm and quiet, your child can't argue as much--there's no wood being added to the fire of arguments to keep things burning.  Your child will eventually calm down and give up when things don't go his or her way.

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Twins of the Week: Jianna and Gennaro

21 month old fraternal twins, Jianna and Gennaro.
Photo reprinted with permisison of Maria.

Jianna and Gennaro share a sweet moment. The fraternal twins were twenty-one months old in this photo.

? Share your thoughts, opinions and advice in the comments section.
? More Worldless Wednesday Posts on
? Boy/Girl Twins Photo Gallery
? Meet More Multiples
? Submit a photo of your multiples.

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10 for '10: Ways to Save Money on Twin Stuff

In 2010, I'll be posting weekly "Ten for '10" features, top 10 lists about twins and multiples. It's always a good time to cut back on expenses and save a few pennies. ?For this week's top 10 list, how about ten ?Ways to Save Money on Twin Stuff?

Previous Ten for '10 Features:

??10 Activities for Moms of Multiples on Bed Rest
??10 Halloween Costumes for Twins
? 10 Stupid Questions People Ask About Twins
??10 Frequently Asked Questions About TTTS
? 10 Childproofing Gadgets to Protect Your Twins

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Postpartum Depression After Having Twins

The period of time following a multiple birth is a complicated time. Even under the best circumstances, mothers of multiples are recovering from the physical toll of a double pregnancy and delivery, not to mention the ravages of a multiple dose of hormones. Add in complications like an emergency c-section, preterm delivery or premature babies, and stress really builds. In the midst of caring for their babies, moms must keep an eye on their own well-being. Postpartum depression is a real issue for moms of multiples. It's important to know the signs and symptoms and seek solutions before it escalates into a damaging situation.

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