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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Teaching Your Child the Alphabet in Fun Ways
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fun Ways to Enhance Communication with Young Children (And those who act young for their age)
For parents wanting to improve their relationships with children and help them increase their vocabulary, I've listed a few suggestions for you to enjoy with your child.
1. Order a magazine subscription for your child and read it together.
2. Mail your child a note. When it arrives, read it to him or her.
3. Sing songs to gether, especially when driving in the car.
4. Post a happy note on your child's door.
Parent's Poll: When Did You Deliver?
One of the most common questions about twins and multiples is, "How many weeks were they?" Many twins and most higher order multiples are born earlier than their predicted forty-week due date. Click below to share your story - how many weeks were your twins/multiples when they were born?
1. 40+ weeks..
2. Right at my due date.
3. 39 weeks.
4. 38 weeks.
5. 37 weeks.
6. 36 weeks.
7. 35 weeks.
8. 33 - 34 weeks.
9. Between 29 and 32 weeks.
10. Prior to 28 weeks.
? What's the most common scenario? Poll results.
? Pregnancy FAQ: When will my twins be born?
? Were your twins born early? Show Off Your Preemie Twins
? Share your thoughts. Leave a comment.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Nurturing Your Child through Touch
The entry posted before this one discusses why touch is imprortant for all children, regardless of age. here are some ideas to increase touch between parent and child in nurturing ways:
1. Hold and cuddle your child every day.
2. Tuck your child in at night with a hug and kiss good night.
3. Hold hands while walking.
4. Play a clapping game.
10 for '10: Bed Rest Activities for Moms of Multiples
In 2010, I'll be posting weekly "Ten for '10" features, top 10 lists about twins and multiples. Many moms of multiples find themselves facing the prospect of bed rest during the pregnancy with twins or more. It can be a frightening and frustrating time. Boredom and isolation compounded with worries and physical discomfort make the days drag. Here are some suggestions for passing the time while on bed rest. Top 10 Activities for Moms on Bed Rest
Previous Ten for '10 Features:
??10 Halloween Costumes for Twins
? 10 Stupid Questions People Ask About Twins
??10 Frequently Asked Questions About TTTS
? 10 Childproofing Gadgets to Protect Your Twins
? 10 Most Popular Name Combinations for Boy/Girl Twins
Sunday, October 17, 2010
The seven keys to Child Obedience
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You Change Your Parenting Technique & the Behavior Gets Worse
A common myth parents often have happens because they tried a new reaction to a negative behavior by their children. They think if the behaviors become worse, the new parenting technique failed. Actually, the exact opposite is true.
If you change your parenting technique to react differently to your child's negative behaviors and your child's behavior immediately gets worse, the technique is probably working! Don't stop, keep doing what you're doing and the behaviors will eventually subside (if you're being consistent).
Children's behaviors become worse because they don't take you seriously when you do something different. Also, you've changed the rules of the game without letting them know and they're caught off guard. They will do anything to break you down so you go back to the old way of doing things--which doesn't get them to change their behaviors.
When your child immediately becomes worse, pat yourself on the back and smile--you're moving toward something better.