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Saturday, November 20, 2010

When your child said, "this is not fair!"

You simply asked or told your child to do something that he does not want to do.  He looks at you with eyes in anger and said, "" its not fair!""  Or your daughter wants to do something and that you do laissez-faire it.  She gets huffy and said aloud, "this is not fair!"

How respond you? CALMLY.

  You do not want to get into an argument or discussion defend your position with your child.  After all, you are the parent;you have the right to charge.surtout when you're dealing with youth and children as young children. Simply, the children tell their parenbts work to handle the situation so that they travelled. 

  I suggest watching your child calmly and quietly saying noithing another exception, I know."If your child continues to explain why it is troubling, you continue to say:"I know ".If your child says something that poushes your buttons, you can smile and say "" Honey, I loe you too much to say. ""Then you need to walk farther.

It's a great Parenting with love & Logic technique.Si your voice is calm and quiet, your child cannot claim both - there is no wood added to the fire of the arguments for keeping a child combustion.Votre will finally be calm and abandon when things does is its own way.

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Guidelines of discipline for three year Olds

Discipline guidelines for three-year Olds by ParentSurvival911 Wednesday, December 28, 2005 08: 48 AM PST |  Permalink |  Cosmos

Here are some suggestions to help I hope that your young child learn errors without shameful feelings by them.

  1. If your child has a major collapse, hold your child and he calmly say you go to protect the child until it is back in the control. 

2 Give your chance to calm down children through hugging sit calm or time shipments.Be quiet on how to talk to your child.its maintenance in the part of the thinking of his brain, instead of the part of the lizard.

3 Known triggers get your child angry or difficulté.Supprimer whenever you pouvez.Si child begins to get upset, intervene immediately so that it would worsen your child .comportement is telling you that it is frustrated and has no words for exprimer.Lui give a hug and say thank you to let me know you're upset.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Questions of meals with three year Olds

Food and meals can become a struggle in her third year of the child.  It is important for parents to establish clear limits and rules so that children learn at an early age how to behave at the time of meal.  Here are some points to consider.

  1 Three years will not learn about table manners.They will be able to learn once they have four or five ans.Votre auto alternate energy waste. 

  2 Do not press on food as a problem. Do not force a child to eat;  its a losing battle.Simply leave the knoiw child if it is to eat it is correct.The next meal will be served to... then by all means, do not feed her up to the next repas.Elle starve starving and learn an important lesson.

3 Offer small portions of food.

4 As soon as your child starts to play with their food, thank rental, you know, is it withheld ' to leave the table.Si he made a scene, telling him that he can inhios room crying or listen to him, who would prefer it pay?

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Ten reasons not affected or Spank your child

Ten reasons for success or Spank your child by ParentSurvival911 Friday, January 20, 2006 02: 32 PM PST |  Permalink |  Cosmos Jan Hunt shares many of its parenting ideas in this article.  It gives ten reasons to strike are not your children.  read and see what you think.

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Dealing with the rivalry of the brothers

Lori Radun published an article on the internet dealing with the rivalry between the sisters.  Here are a few suggestions it provided.  Go to the link and read the rest of his ideas.

... "the most important factor affecting the sibling rivalry is parental attitude." As parents, we know that we must treat our children also and fairly. And most of us probably very much try to do, but inconsistencies will always exist. There may be a child, you get the best reason to your personality. One or more of your kids are probably easier to manage what they tend to be more loving you. Children pick up every bit of inconsistency, and they still do not understand why things are different for each child. Older children have more responsibilities, but more independence.A younger child thinks that it is unfair to go to bed earlier that his brother more âgé.Combien times let us the words, "it's not fair!" or "You love her more than you love me."?

I know that you are waiting for the magic secret eliminate the sibling rivalry in your home. Sorry - there is no secret magic, but here are ten suggestions to minimize the tension between brothers and sisters.

Avoid comparisons of any kind - do your children at any time they can be private conversation. Focus on the gifts in each of your children and capitalize on their differences.

Encourage your children to express their resentment or feelings of colère.Cela does not authorize you to shout or hurt each other.Teach your children to manage their anger constructive, not destructive.Recognize and validate the feelings of your children so that they feel understood.Help each child to see things from the perspective of another child.

Have clear limits on the personal effects and space personnel.rendre one rule that nobody is allowed to use property of another person without autorisation.Enseignez your children to respect other personal space - rooms, their bodies, etc.A child must feel at least some of the things that belong to him.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The importance of Touch

Be affected in a magnet, positively is a primary need for each one of us, not only for children.  However, it is very important for young children to be affected in loving ways to help them develop as the health of human beings humans.  Touch is extremely important for emotional attachment between parents and children.  When you are upset or angry with your child, take time to relax and cool.  Then bring your child near you and find a way to reach him in a way that loving.  Here are some ideas on how to touch your child in a way that rewarding.

1 Put a hand on your cyano hands lotion and rub.

2 Scratch the backs of your child.

3 Give your child a back rub or foot rub.

4 Give Butterfly - fluttering your eyelashes on child's cheek kisses.

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Children and television

by ParentSurvival911 sea January 04, 2006 01: 36 PM PST |  Permalink |  Cosmos, I found a great article on children and on television, I wanted to share with you.  It is published on the Center for Effective Parenting web site.  It deals with things children see on television today, some of the effects of watching TV, and what parents can do about it.  Enjoy!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reactions of children in the parental control

Although parenting professionals have advocated strict discipline and punishment, for parents to monitor their children, they will tell you how your children respond to this type of interaction.  How you feel like a parent and an adult when someone is trying to control you.  That someone can be insensitive to your feelings and respect you as a person.  This is exactly how children feel.  Thomas Gordon, founder of the formation of the effectiveness of the parent wrote a list of the reactions of children.  I would like to share with you today.

Resistant, defiance, being negative rebelling, disobedience, insubordination, sassing Retaliating, striking, contre-attaqué, vandalism hitting, being belligerent, combative break rules and laws lay anger, getting angry, devious hide truth Blaming others, lying tattling, say to the other Bossing or bullying banding together, forming alliances, organize against adult Apple-polishing, soak soft soaping, bootlicking, inclined favor with recalls adults, fantasize, competing daydreaming, who need to win, hate to lose, requiring go well, others seem give bad feeling defeated, rest, fun off the coast of departure, escaping, stay away from home, fleeing, school dropout, cutting classes not talk, ignoring, using written silent treatment adult, keeping its distance Crying, crying;feeling depressed or become fearful, timid, shy, scared to speak, hesitating to try something new Needing reassurance, approval of desperate constant insecurity for sick people, the development of psychosomatic disorders overeating, excessive plan dieters being submissive, conforming, abide; conscientious, docile, apple-polishing, being a kind teacher's pet, drinking heavily, for medicines Cheating in school, plagiarism

As you expect after the parents and teachers in class generate their list and realize was established from their own experience, they are invariably with these comments:

"Why anyone would want to use, if these are behaviors that it produces"?"All these coping mechanisms are behaviors that I do not want to see my children or my students].""I don't see in the list of the good effects or positive behaviour.""If we reacted to the power of these ways when we were children, our own children certainly will, too."

After this exercise, some parents and teachers undergo a 180-degree change in their pensée.Ils much more clearly see the power creates patterns of behaviour very they hate more children! they are beginning to understand that as parents and teachers that they pay a terrible price for energy use: they are causing their children or students develop habits and characteristics considered as unacceptable by most adults and unhealthy by mental health professionals.

Reproduced with the permission of the author of discipline that works: promote self-regulation among children, New York: plume/Penguin, 1989, pp. 78-81).

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Happy holidays to you and to your

Happy holidays to you and to your by ParentSurvival911 Sun December 25, 2005 08: 59 AM PST |  Permalink |  Cosmos is today December 25.  I wish you and your loved ones happy holiday

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Your child said that he accomplished his task and it is not. What do you do?

Your child said that he accomplished his task and it is not. What do you do?

  You have a child tells you that he or she has been a chore and when you check it, you find that it has not been done?  or better yet, you even determine their duties?I have it helps the child you know. 

  I had a 10 year-old who had a laminated the chore chart.All the tasks to do each day were clearly marked on the map so that they might be marked off the coast of all the weekend jours.À wipe off the map and start a new week.  After six weeks, she had not yet one of his tasks was sweeping the patio outside the kitchen.

A normal response would be to give lectures and punish him with a result.If I did, it is just sulk over later in his room, angry at me, instead of watching his own behaviour irresponsable.que could do to get her to reflect on his behaviour? I found something that motivated to wipe out the patio without be recalled .c ' is how the scenario is gone. 

Me: "Emily, you scanned the patio today."

Emily: "no, I forgot (smile)".

Me: "thank you for let me know you're too tired to your your chore."I assume you'll need to go to bed 30 minutes earlier tonight and you'll get enough yet to be able to do the scanning tomorrow.»

Come tomorrow, she forgot to start again the corvée.Je thanked him for letting me know that she still did step to get enough rest and would be going to bed 30 minutes earlier that night previous (1 h) Institute has begun scanning by the third day, and we did not have a problem with it since.

This approach puts units of concern about the child and not the parent.Apprendre to say, "Thanks for let me know..."."It will be you save arguments tiring and frustrating YH ' would like to know how it works for you.

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Dealing with disrespectful behaviour

When your child processes disrespectful, how that you feel?  Do you want it conti EU?  If not, consider m makes some changes iin how you relate to your child.

  First of all, you are the parent and must be in control, not the child.If your child annoys you, you have given your enfant.afin regain control, place concern units on your child's natural consequences. 

For each disrespectful statement outgoing moputh your child tell him or her it was just that you know that he or she wants to make an extra chore for you help in the House.Then, give the choice between 2 tasks and provides a choice between two times, then they can used the next time your child wants to do you something for him or her, smile and say: "I would be pleased to do so as soon as you..."."This could be

1 Treat me with respect

2 Make your tasks in time

3 Any other you want your child to make.

Do engage in a conversation or discussion on it; other wise, as you have just sucked into the unconscious game, I shared with you on 8-09-05.

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Monday, November 15, 2010

The seven keys to child obedience

The seven keys of obedience of the child by ParentSurvival911 Tue 10 January 2006 03: 52 PM PST |  Permalink |  Cosmos Anthony Kane, MD has written an article entitled the seven steps for children obedience.  Its easy to read and understand.  I hope you will take the time to read it.

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Ritual bed time: 8-lane battles end time reads

Time ritual bed: 8 channels in the battles of fine bed by ParentSurvival911 game time 05 January 2006 01: 52 PM PST |  Permalink |  Cosmos I found a simple, easy-to-read the article on how to deal with bed time battles I village.  It is written for parents of children of younf.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dealing with defiance: 9 ways to treat

Dealing with defiance: 9 ways to manage by ParentSurvival911 Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10: 00 AM PST |  Permalink |  Cosmos

  Tony Schutta, coach parents wrote a good article to unmanageable children.  I've found the article on the internet and would like to share with you.  It is simple, easy to understand and numbered, making it easier to read.Here are the three first idées.Vous can go to the link to find other 6 ideas.

1 Use positive communication.Try the formulation of your order parents to positively negative relative. For example, if your child says "and then I watch TV now?" instead of simply saying "non.Vous can't."one could say "You can watch TV after dinner". Or "I can tape the show so that you can watch after dinner.

(2) The child to give two choix.Comme parent, you can choose two options that are also acceptable to you and to offer them to your child.The child is less likely to make opposition if they feel that they have a mastery of the situation.For example, you could say, "do you want to your chore before school or after school today."

3 Reflects the feeling child .Parfois showing compassion to children in reflecting on what they feel may prove utile.On might say, "" now you're angry because you cannot complete construction of the Tower of Lego.Il is difficult to leave a project until you are finished, is it not? ""

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Maintain your child's Touch

The entry displayed before the explains why touch is imprortant to all children, regardless of age.  Here are some ideas to improve the key between parents and children of rewarding ways.

1 Hold and caress your child every day.

2 Tuck your child at night with a hug and kiss good night.

3 Hold hands while walking.

4 Play a game of applause.

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Learning to say "no".

Dr. Susan Newman, author of several books of parenting, had a good article on the net, "from learning to say no."  It gives a questionnaire to see if you're a mother "Yes" to one that always gives the requirements of the child.  You can read the rest of the article by clicking on the link.

Are you a MOM Yes?

If three of these sounds vaguely that you, it is likely that your children transform you someone Yes quite easily. It is time to take stock and learn to say no. Your room looks like a toy store. At any given time the divan double as a trampoline, a carpet of struggle, a hiding place or arts and crafts centre. Your child wears his costume Halloween school in February. You are on a base name with McDonald workers. Your child has had her best friend. Your stay up so late that it can fill you six years the monologue of Jay Leno Eve. Last day of your daughter birthday was more elaborate than your wedding. You have three dogs, two kittens and Perruche roam around in the aquarium.You spend most Saturday nights in the movie theatre parking lot waiting for your kids and their friends.You spend Sunday evenings, writing history reports and to develop scientific projects, that you have found subject during dinner .the ' text messaging charge is greater than your cell phone mensuel.Équipement band your child takes two parking spaces in the garage.

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