Although parenting professionals have advocated strict discipline and punishment, for parents to monitor their children, they will tell you how your children respond to this type of interaction. How you feel like a parent and an adult when someone is trying to control you. That someone can be insensitive to your feelings and respect you as a person. This is exactly how children feel. Thomas Gordon, founder of the formation of the effectiveness of the parent wrote a list of the reactions of children. I would like to share with you today.
Resistant, defiance, being negative rebelling, disobedience, insubordination, sassing Retaliating, striking, contre-attaqué, vandalism hitting, being belligerent, combative break rules and laws lay anger, getting angry, devious hide truth Blaming others, lying tattling, say to the other Bossing or bullying banding together, forming alliances, organize against adult Apple-polishing, soak soft soaping, bootlicking, inclined favor with recalls adults, fantasize, competing daydreaming, who need to win, hate to lose, requiring go well, others seem give bad feeling defeated, rest, fun off the coast of departure, escaping, stay away from home, fleeing, school dropout, cutting classes not talk, ignoring, using written silent treatment adult, keeping its distance Crying, crying;feeling depressed or become fearful, timid, shy, scared to speak, hesitating to try something new Needing reassurance, approval of desperate constant insecurity for sick people, the development of psychosomatic disorders overeating, excessive plan dieters being submissive, conforming, abide; conscientious, docile, apple-polishing, being a kind teacher's pet, drinking heavily, for medicines Cheating in school, plagiarism
As you expect after the parents and teachers in class generate their list and realize was established from their own experience, they are invariably with these comments:
"Why anyone would want to use, if these are behaviors that it produces"?"All these coping mechanisms are behaviors that I do not want to see my children or my students].""I don't see in the list of the good effects or positive behaviour.""If we reacted to the power of these ways when we were children, our own children certainly will, too."
After this exercise, some parents and teachers undergo a 180-degree change in their pensée.Ils much more clearly see the power creates patterns of behaviour very they hate more children! they are beginning to understand that as parents and teachers that they pay a terrible price for energy use: they are causing their children or students develop habits and characteristics considered as unacceptable by most adults and unhealthy by mental health professionals.
Reproduced with the permission of the author of discipline that works: promote self-regulation among children, New York: plume/Penguin, 1989, pp. 78-81).
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