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Saturday, November 28, 2009

4 Fatloss Tricks No One Tells You About

Fitness author Jon Benson shared this letter with me and gave me permission to share it with you.

There's a club you should join.  It's called The Insider's Club.

It is that club whose membership is based only on what secret goodies the members possess.

In our case, this is the Fatloss Insider's Club. Only those in the know can join.... freee to them of course... : )

So, if you want to get rid of some lbs...

Eat Pizza?

Today I went for some New York-style pizza here in Austin, Texas.

Do I feel 'guilty'? No way... in fact tomorrow I will feel LEANER.

What the what?

I had to set up my body for this bit of metabolic trickery of course. You cannot just "eat pizza" and shed the pounds... I wish you could!

But my personal System for fatloss not only "allows" pizza (and all my other favorite foods)... it DEMANDS that I eat it.

Here's another true story: I blew off my "feed meal" (that's what it is called in my System) four days ago. I have been on a massive fatloss roll for weeks now and frankly I just did not feel like eating a lot.

That's another benefit of my System... it really cuts your appetite and food-cravings down.

Anyway, the next day in the gym I fell on my face! I was weaker and not any leaner. I went home, ate literally about 6000 cals and presto: Leaner than 'ever' the next day and ready to train hard.

Learn how to use this System here:  <-- click.

The 10-Minute Cardio Trick

If you want to just get into good heart health, you only need GXP Cardio (covered in the System mentioned above) 2-3 days per week for 9-15 minutes. That's it.

However if you want to use "smart cardio" (not long, boring cardio) then you need a bit more. Just a bit.

It's my 10-minute trick.

Start with just every other day. Then move to 4 days... and then 5.

If you are pressed for time, this is ideal. Even if you are not, it works like magic.

10 minutes in the morning 'before' you eat. Just make sure your heart rate is only about 65% of your max... in other words, you are not breathing super-heavy at all, but you are working up a sweat. That's it.

10 minutes 'before' lunch. Just cut your lunch hour short by 10 minutes... that's all. You don't sweat enough to need a shower... don't worry. Walking stairs works great, or walking outside... be creative!

Then 10 'harder' minutes about 2 hours before you go to sleep. Get your heart rate up to where you are breathing a little harder.

That's it.

You can even start with just two sessions of 10 minutes (morning and night) if lunch is out.

Increase Your Fat?

Yep. I want you to eat more dietary-fat.... but I want you to replace some of your carbohydrates (starch like rice, potatoes, etc.) with healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil and almonds.

Fat dulls the appetite and all three of the fats above actually help your body get rid of its fat-stores if you decrease carbs.

I have the plan laid out for you. More here:  <-- click.

Think Resistance

Far better than cardio will ever be. That would be resistance training.

Either weight training or in-home resistance training using bands and bodyweight. Studies confirm what we fitness pros already know: Resistance training not only sculpts the body (cardio cannot) but it also burns 9-12x more bodyfat over the long-term than cardio.

But you need both. And both cardio and resistance training (in-home or in the gym) is worked into my book "7 Minute Body."

You can get it when you pick up "Every Other Day Diet" for 75% off-retail... it is all detailed here...  <-- click.

Welcome to the Club!

Yours In Fitness,

J O N   B E N S O N

P.S.  I'm still giving away "Radical Fatloss Blueprint" along with EODD for a few more days. And I'm giving a lucky few the chance to pick up the Supplement-Kit that comes with Radical Fatloss for almost 100 bucks off... the video and details are here:  <-- click.

Sorry... EODD Readers Only.... so pick it up today.

Friday, November 27, 2009

5 Surprising Things That Make You Leaner

Want to be leaner?

Good deal... here's 5 tips that will help you along...

     TIP 1     
     Ditch The Starch

Starches, such as rice, potatoes, some veggies, oats, etc. are often considered "health foods."

While they can be healthy, they can also pack on stomach body fat like crazy if you overdo them.

As you may know, my "Every Other Day Diet" System (EODD) actually encourages you to eat starches and even sweets several days a week to get rid of excess bodyweight:     (the click of your life)

Well... how does THAT work?

Simple:  Timing is everything.

And it takes a "weekly" approach to foods rather than a daily approach. This keeps your metabolism guessing. If your body cannot figure out what you're up to, fatburning is that much more powerful. And you can get by with eating starches... at least a specific times on specific days.

But if you're not going to do EODD, then you'll have to wing it.
And the best way to wing it is to simply cut starches out entirely for 4-8 weeks. Then slowly add them back a few days per week.

This is no where near as effective (or as fun) as the EODD method, but it will get you pointed in the right direction.

     TIP 2     
     Can The Sodas

Why diet-sodas? A recent study revealed that people who drank diet-sodas actually increased body fat when compared to those who drank sugar-sodas.

What the... ??

Yep. Your body cannot be fooled by aspartame and chemicals. Sorry, but that's the truth.

Here's a personal story:  When I cut out the diet-sodas my bodyfat drops like a rock in a pond of clear water.

And that's what you need to be drinking:  A quart of pure water per 50 lbs of body-weight a day.

Try mixing water with lemon and a bit of Stevia (an herbal
sweetener) and make lemonade. It's wonderful!

     TIP 3     
     Stay Hungry

It takes a special person to be hungry... and an even greater one to stay that way.

I want you to stay hungry in two ways:  In how you workout and literally... stay a bit hungry before you go to bed. Not "starving"... just a bit hungry.

For your workouts, I have a great solution. If you pick up EODD you'll get a limited shot at "7 Minute Body"... Jon Benson's combination of "7 Minute Muscle" and "The 7 Minute In-Home Workout" in one book... and for more than half off... but that's a very limited deal. Gotta have EODD... you'll need them both...  (the link to your new life)

You see, progression -- "forced" progression -- is the best way to stay hungry. 7 Minute Body forces you to progress without thinking about it. Progression is built into the System.

As far as staying hungry at night? Check with your doctor and if he/she okays it take 500mg of potassium and 1000mg of magnesium/calcium a few hours prior to bed. This helps with the hunger pangs. Also, keep hard-boiled eggs in the fridge. If you get really hungry, eat one with half the yolk (toss the other half.) It keeps you full for an hour at least.

     TIP 4     
     Cardio Clarity

Hours and hours of cardio a day is not the answer. However, you can do "light" cardio (i.e. brisk walking, or riding the bike at 60% of your max) just to burn off calories. That's okay... and personally I don't find it that boring if I'm watching a TV show. It does not interfere with my main fatloss exercise (weight training... YES!) and it burns off about 400 calories an hour.

What does work is early morning fasting cardio... but you only need
9-15 minutes. Jon Benson explains GXP (Modified) in the 7 Minute Body book, available only if you pick up EODD, and you can get it at more than half off:  <-- go

     TIP 5     
     Get Raw At Night

Raw veggies with your last meal and as a snack will really help your fat-burning along. Try starting with red peppers because they're sweet. You you'll eat virtually every veggie raw at night without thinking about it. Give this a shot. The fat-loss is well worth it.

P.S.  Jon is still giving away "Radical Fat-loss Blueprint" along with EODD for a few more days. And I'm giving a lucky few the chance to pick up the Supplement-Kit that comes with Radical Fat-loss for almost 100 bucks off... the video and details are here:  <-- go

Sorry... EODD Readers Only.... so pick it up today.

Frankie says now is the time to begin getting a plan to get into that swim suit or that little black dress come spring.  If you keep doing what you have done, you will keep getting what you've got.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3 Tips To Get Leaner Over The Holidays

Here is a note I received from a friend of mine who is into body building and defensive arts.  He is getting ready for the eating season.

Ready for turkey day Frank?

Well, even if you don't eat turkey, you get my gist...

It's that time of year again.

Holiday season.

That means (gasp) about TWELVE (count them... 12!) lbs of bodyfat
and water-weightgain, on average, per person.

That's just staggering.

And that explains the "rush" to get into top-shape come January.

So... how would you like 3 tips on how to get into 'better' shape
over the holidays... and still enjoy yourself?

     TIP 1
     Prepare The Day Before

Starting today (Wednesday)... if you celebrate Thanksgiving on
Thursday that is... you need to prep your body for an influx of

You do that by:

1. Eating about half your normal calorie intake.

2. Eating only ONE meal with carbohydrates, and make those carbs
    come from veggies and low-sugar fruits like apples and berries.

3. The rest of your meals should be lean protein foods and green
    leafy veggies (those don't count as carbs.)

4. Drink a lot of water.

Then, start your day tomorrow with a high-protein, lower-fat
breakfast, like egg whites mixed with one yolk with some veggies.

Eat about half your normal intake... again.

Now you've set your body up to handle Thanksgiving without doing
too much damage.

But there's more...

     TIP 2
     Pre-Plan Your Aftermath

Knowing that you can have a great mealplan and exercise strategy in
place both during and after the holidays can literally change that
12-lb average gain to a 12-lb LOSS of bodyfat... and that's what
you want.

For pre-planning, I like a bit of structure.

So I want to turn you on to a colleague of mine who has a great
12-week structure in place for dietplan and exercise.

This is a direct go-to-link:

1 Rep Fitness: A Holiday Workout Solution 

This plan comes with 12 weeks of specific meals that you get to
alter online... it's really easy and fun... plus the workouts to go
with it.

Knowing you have a plan BEFORE you celebrate your holidays will
help you enjoy them more.

So go read up on 1 Rep Fitness... it's solid, and it works well
with my own dietplans and exercise guidelines too.

     TIP 3
     Easy Going

It should be common sense to say "take it easy on the second and
third helpings"... but you'd be surprised. ; )

So I'll say it:

Unless you want to feel like absolute crap the next day, don't eat
like it's your last supper!

This is a time of celebration:  Of family, of friends, and yes, of
food... but celebration and overkill are two different things.

Try these tips to help you ease up on the over-doing it:

1. Take your mixture of goodies on the first go-around, including a
    bit of dessert (hey, I'm going to have some!)

2. Then when "seconds" are called, take them to GO. Take them home
    and eat them later... but leave the sweets.

3. Ask for MORE seconds (thirds) and give them to someone who may
    not have food for the holidays. Talk about a great way to kill two
    birds... you feed the homeless and you don't over-feed yourself.

That's a win-win.

Enjoy your holidays,

J O N   B E N S O N

P.S.  Your entire holiday season, from here until January, will
really go easier and be a lot more fun if you take my Tip 2 to

Have a plan... trust me, you'll feel better.

Here's one I recommend:

1 Rep Fitness: A Holiday Workout Solution   

Frankie says he wishes you a very happy and joyful Thanksgiving.  What you gain today you will need to lose tomorrow. 

This 1 weird tip works for flattening the belly

Some of my greatest progress in life has come by listening to my elders. However, I am running out of 'elders' so I had better pass this along while I still can.

Wisdom often comes with age, or at least, it should.

Well in this case, fat loss wisdom comes with really, really... REALLY old age.

I'm talking Fred Flintstone or caveman-age.

But once I saw how it works, it made perfect sense to try it myself...I began a couple weeks ago

... and what do you know?

Flatter stomach; less bodyfat; and better muscle tone. Even sleep improves. All from this 1 tip.

There's a presentation
you need to see:

That will tell you all about it.

Enjoy, and have a guilt free Thanksgiving.


P.S. On this page you'll also discover how to get a really powerful fatloss plan for freee...

Folks can shed up to 21lbs in 21days if they do it right...