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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

3 Tips To Get Leaner Over The Holidays

Here is a note I received from a friend of mine who is into body building and defensive arts.  He is getting ready for the eating season.

Ready for turkey day Frank?

Well, even if you don't eat turkey, you get my gist...

It's that time of year again.

Holiday season.

That means (gasp) about TWELVE (count them... 12!) lbs of bodyfat
and water-weightgain, on average, per person.

That's just staggering.

And that explains the "rush" to get into top-shape come January.

So... how would you like 3 tips on how to get into 'better' shape
over the holidays... and still enjoy yourself?

     TIP 1
     Prepare The Day Before

Starting today (Wednesday)... if you celebrate Thanksgiving on
Thursday that is... you need to prep your body for an influx of

You do that by:

1. Eating about half your normal calorie intake.

2. Eating only ONE meal with carbohydrates, and make those carbs
    come from veggies and low-sugar fruits like apples and berries.

3. The rest of your meals should be lean protein foods and green
    leafy veggies (those don't count as carbs.)

4. Drink a lot of water.

Then, start your day tomorrow with a high-protein, lower-fat
breakfast, like egg whites mixed with one yolk with some veggies.

Eat about half your normal intake... again.

Now you've set your body up to handle Thanksgiving without doing
too much damage.

But there's more...

     TIP 2
     Pre-Plan Your Aftermath

Knowing that you can have a great mealplan and exercise strategy in
place both during and after the holidays can literally change that
12-lb average gain to a 12-lb LOSS of bodyfat... and that's what
you want.

For pre-planning, I like a bit of structure.

So I want to turn you on to a colleague of mine who has a great
12-week structure in place for dietplan and exercise.

This is a direct go-to-link:

1 Rep Fitness: A Holiday Workout Solution 

This plan comes with 12 weeks of specific meals that you get to
alter online... it's really easy and fun... plus the workouts to go
with it.

Knowing you have a plan BEFORE you celebrate your holidays will
help you enjoy them more.

So go read up on 1 Rep Fitness... it's solid, and it works well
with my own dietplans and exercise guidelines too.

     TIP 3
     Easy Going

It should be common sense to say "take it easy on the second and
third helpings"... but you'd be surprised. ; )

So I'll say it:

Unless you want to feel like absolute crap the next day, don't eat
like it's your last supper!

This is a time of celebration:  Of family, of friends, and yes, of
food... but celebration and overkill are two different things.

Try these tips to help you ease up on the over-doing it:

1. Take your mixture of goodies on the first go-around, including a
    bit of dessert (hey, I'm going to have some!)

2. Then when "seconds" are called, take them to GO. Take them home
    and eat them later... but leave the sweets.

3. Ask for MORE seconds (thirds) and give them to someone who may
    not have food for the holidays. Talk about a great way to kill two
    birds... you feed the homeless and you don't over-feed yourself.

That's a win-win.

Enjoy your holidays,

J O N   B E N S O N

P.S.  Your entire holiday season, from here until January, will
really go easier and be a lot more fun if you take my Tip 2 to

Have a plan... trust me, you'll feel better.

Here's one I recommend:

1 Rep Fitness: A Holiday Workout Solution   

Frankie says he wishes you a very happy and joyful Thanksgiving.  What you gain today you will need to lose tomorrow. 

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